Fanta: What The Fanta

What The Fanta


Project insights

  • Concept
  • Operation
  • Campaign video
  • Influencer marketing
  • Production

On April 16, a new, mysterious flavour will hit the soft drink shelf. The taste of this clear blue drink is still unknown. The packaging does not reveal anything, except that it’s from Fanta. They’ve asked Megawatt Fieldmarketing to come up with an (online) activation, based on the overarching "What the Fanta" campaign concept. Because of the "new normal" it is important that contact moments with the target group are not physical but, at the same time, stay personal. 

Thanks to the overarching campaign concept, this promotion will run a bit longer than normal. Therefore, we can focus on more than achieving the sample numbers. We’re building a target group database, reach and engagement. The essence of the campaign is discovering the content of the new flavour. Target audience? Teenagers. Hook them up, keep them interested, come up with a cool incentive and create a big bang at the end of the campaign. We delved deeper into the "case" and came up with an online after talk concept (à la "Moltalk"), presented by a well-known influencer. This concept not only brings the depth that Fanta was looking for, but links all parts of the campaign together. 

Rapper Leafs solves the case, in six episodes, with the target group and special guests. Or do they…? We shot an intriguing documentary, full of "easter eggs", plot twists and surprising guests. Talking alone is quite boring for this target group. So, in the show, Leafs experiments and analyses every angle. A new episode appears every week, with a well-known influencer as a guest. The social feed explodes when the episode comes online, there are several calls to actions and the target group is involved in the search. Do they unfold the flavour?